We understand you might have a few questions and doubts, we cannot possibly answer everything in one go but below are some Frequently Asked Questions:

How is Linkspace.bio different from other link-hosting services?

The key differentiator is that Linkspace.bio allows you to host links with descriptions, offering more context and information to better guide your audience.

How do you plan to sustain this platform?

Our platform is sustained through voluntary subscriptions from our users at $1 per month. Your support helps keep Linkspace.bio alive.

I like the PWYC model but I’m unable to contribute financially at the moment. Can I still use the full service?

Yes, absolutely! The "Pay What You Can" model means you can use the full service even if you are unable to contribute financially right now.

I’m interested in signing up but I feel the platform is missing some features. What should I do?

We value your feedback! Please share your thoughts on our Discord server. If there is strong community support for a new feature and it’s feasible to implement, we’ll do our best to add it.

I’m having trouble signing up and getting started. Can you help?

Absolutely! Please refer to our Getting Started Tutorial with step-by-step instructions and screenshots.

How many links can I include in my Linkspace.bio profile?

You can add up to 250 links per profile. This limit may increase based on feedback from our community on Discord.

What is the best way to stay updated with Linkspace.bio?

You can connect with us on X / Twitter @linkspacebio
For more detailed interactions, join our Discord community where you can share your thoughts, ask questions, and connect with others. Our Discord server is muted by default, so you can participate at your own pace.

I want to support Linkspace.bio but cannot afford it right now. How else can I help?

No problem! Word of mouth is incredibly valuable. You could share Linkspace.bio with friends who might benefit from it. However, don't feel obliged to do so.

How can I support Linkspace.bio with $1 / month?

We are only on Ko-fi platform. You can support us here
Alternatively, you can visit our Pricing page.

I’m an investor interested in this project. How can I invest?

Thank you for your interest. Due to the very nature of an investor investing for profits, sometimes at the cost of product's vision, currently, we are not seeking external investors as we prioritize a community-driven approach and a "Pay What You Can" (PWYC) model. We intend to maintain this model for as long as possible.

If you have more Qs, feel free to ask them on twitter / x, or our discord server, given below ⬇️
for staying updated.


This project was created as a way to help early phase struggling artists, content creators, home-business founders, side-business owners.

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